If the game window isn't fitting right, try putting the game in fullscreen, then go to the next level or kill yourself once! This will reload the level properly :p

You are a little shadow willing to reach the salad flag, while staying in the dark! Being in the light will gradually harm you.

Hold left-click to move !

The theme of the ludum dare 46 was "Keep it alive".

The game was made by 3 people from the French Game Design Club CELL.


build windows- Polygons of light- Jam version.zip 22 MB
build-linux-polygons-of-light.zip 23 MB
PolygonsOfLight-Windows.zip 23 MB


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I love the conecpt and the gameplay had me playing for a long time Would you care to play mine? https://mager22brophybroncosorg.itch.io/faster

We will ! We added a song to the game, if you want to enjoy it you can come back ;*